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![]() Hawaiian Astronomical SocietyConstellations: Reticulum -- From Geometric Shape to Reticle |
Speaking of Heilbron, my research uncovered an appreciation of the city by Paul Hegelmaier, the (former?) Lord High Mayor. He clearly uses Göthe's Götz von Berlichingen as his inspiration.
Leck mich am Arsch, Du Stadt der Krämerseelen, aus Dir blas ich heut meinen Abschiedsmarsch. An Narrenstreichen wird es Dir wohl niemals fehlen, daf�r an Licht - leb� wohl! Ade! Leck mich am Arsch. |
Kiss my ass, you city of money grubbers, from you today I trumpet my farewell march. You will never want for foolish stooges, therefore to the light - farewell! Adieu! Kiss my ass. |
Let's hope Habrecht had an easier time of it.
Click the map for a 929x1200 version of the above. Click here for a map better suited for use in the field.
This a more detailed view of the constellation. The map displays stars to magnitude 10, and deepsky objects to magnitude 12. Click here for a map better suited for use in the field.
Image by David Malin from the Anglo-Australian Observatory.
If you have any questions about the Hawaiian Astronomical Society
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